Friday, June 19, 2009

Nomads in the Badlands

June 18th 2009
Forecasts of threatening weather were fortunately inaccurate as the Waterman-led Badlands ride departed from The Bavarian Inn Thursday morning. After a short run through a portion of the Custer State Park, the riders fueled for the Slab run to the Badlands National Park. The Route was heavy on super slab time in order to make it back in time to clean up and head for the closing group meal at the State Game Lodge facility in the state park.
Entering the park we stopped at the first viewing point where after looking at the stark landscapes I couldnt help but listen for the theme for The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and strained to see Clint Eastwood riding amid the heat shimmer. The park is aptly named with vast expanses of towering rock formations. Riding through the park we were careful to avoid tar snakes which were too common for my tastes, but otherwise the road was smooth and well maintained.

The ride group assembled for the obligatory "mugshot" at the first viewing point.
I took a goodly number of pics during this ride and they can all be viewed at webshots dot com, and looking for the albums of FDTrainer23 - and selecting Nomads inthe Badlands.
The closing meal was a success, with seventy-one attending for good food and fellowship.
Whenthe group assembled for photos after dinner, the flashes of multiple cameras could have caused the casual observers to think the paperazzi had descended; but it was just a bunch of Nomad Owners who had enjoyed a very succesful Inaugural National Rally.

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