Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 1 June 12 2009

Due to computer availability issues last nightI'm a little tardy gettin this post uploaded. I'll try to do better.

Worked nights last night so today was a looooooong day.

Had Lucille loaded and ready for the trip by 830, expecting to be on the road by 0900. Wishful thinking! Finally got on the road by 930, and tried to grab a nap while Frances drove the first leg to Canton where we met up with Mitch (cajunrider) and his wife Darlene. They had already had a long haul by the time we met having left Shriever LA at 0700.

After Mitch fueled his ride, Darlene took refuge from the heat in the Expedition with the girls. Lucille and I rode the last 125 mile leg of the trip with Mitch.

Side Note: I still hate Dallas, even more than when they were just where that star headed football helmets live. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. That is what it is called whenOut of towners try to traverse Dallas during Friday Rush hour. Nuff' said.

Finally made it to Decatur, where we had dinner with Trip & Jeff. Decent meal with better company. I dont think my head was on the pillow more than a minute before the snoring started.

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